Training with The Life Centre in 2003/2004 on their first teacher training course, she worked with inspiring teachers such as Liz Lark, Richard Freeman, Tias Little, Rod Stryker and Aadil Palkhivala.
In January 2008 Donna completed the British Wheel of Yoga’s Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers Module developed by Cathy-Mae Karelse. Ayurveda, “the science of life” is the sister science to Yoga and is concerned with healing and restoring health in relation to all aspects of life. It highlights the fact that we all have individual constitutions and how we live our life and practise yoga needs to reflect this. Yoga is the science of self-realisation and Ayurveda is the science of self-healing.
Now based in Lausanne, Switzerland, Donna continues to teach group and individual yoga and yoga therapy sessions.
Where is the conflict when the truth is known?
Where is the disease when the mind is clear?
Where is death when the breath is controlled?”
Sloka 6, Yoganjalisaram
BWY Dip (British Wheel of Yoga Diploma)
RYT500 (Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher 500 hours)
SYT cert (Certified Structural Yoga Therapist)
Nancy Gilgoff’s Primary Series Adjustment Clinic, Oxford, UK & Eindhoven, Netherlands
Nancy Gilgoff’s Intermediate Series Adjustment Clinic, Bristol, Vermont, USA
Manju Jois’ Intermediate Series Adjustment Clinic, Berlin, Germany
Manju Jois’ Primary Series Adjustment Clinic, Halifax, Canada
Judith Hanson Lasater’s Relax and Renew Level 1, London, UKJudith Hanson Lasater’s Experiential Anatomy, online